Mock exams for the 11 plus. Why bother?

What happens on the day of the 11 plus is shrouded in secrecy, under pain of imprisonment. I kid you not. In spite of this our mock exams are run under standard test conditions. They help students feel more confident, understand the structure of the exam and know how it is to take a test under time pressure. 

We run a series of mock exams throughout the year to help year 5 children get ready for the 11 plus. Students can opt to sit a CEM or GL-style exam paper and we can advise which one is best for your child. 

Our online mock exams take place on the following Sundays in 2021, 9 am – 11 am:

  • 16 May
  • 4 July
  • 8 August
  • 5 September

These exams are stand-alone and open to existing students who attend our weekly classes and to new students. 

How do we do it?

During our mock exams, your child will sit exam papers comprising of comprehension, short and long maths questions, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning, depending on the exam board. So the exam feels authentic we play an audio file or read instructions to mimic what could happen on the day of the 11 plus exam. Finally, we provide written feedback on their results so that you can see which areas require improvement.

Benefits of sitting a mock exam

  • Reduces exam day nerves
  • Increases confidence 
  • Highlights areas for improvement
  • Focuses your child’s mind 
  • Familiarises your child with the exam 
  • Gain experience of working under exam conditions
  • Teaches time management under exam conditions

What happens next?

After the exam, we provide a performance report. Pass or fail? Don’t worry about your child’s result at this stage, the purpose of these tests is to help them prepare for the real exam. 

What if my child doesn’t pass?

Don’t be disheartened if your child doesn’t do well on their first exam, this is quite common. They won’t be used to the pace they have to work at, the style of questions and there will be gaps in their knowledge. This is why it’s a good idea to sit two mock exams with at least one month between them. This will reinforce exam paper experience; you should see progress and it will enable you to work with your child on the things that need improving.

When’s a good time to sit mock exams?

Here at Super Tutoring, we recommend that your child sits their first mock exam in May. This will give them plenty of time to improve their skills in time for exam day. We don’t recommend practising the exam too early because they are almost guaranteed to fail and this can hurt their motivation early on. We like to work individually in a timely way with your child to build up confidence and knowledge for 11 plus exam success.

Super Tutoring prepares children for the 11 plus exam by plugging the gap between what’s taught at school and what’s needed to pass the exam. We will build your child’s subject knowledge and improve their confidence. Book a 15-minute chat with me to find out how we can help.